Just a Date on the Calendar

Andrea & Jordan Duluth, Minnesota

Let’s get real… as a girl we set the bar very high when it comes to our expectations for Valentine’s Day. We want there to be a candle lit room, a bouquet of roses, magical snow falling while you dance in the street, and a carriage ride through the enchanted forest. But guess what, the room will be probably lit up by the lamp in the corner, you might get half a dozen roses, it will be raining, and the carriage will be a car that probably needs a wash inside and out. And honestly, who cares. Every single day should feel like Valentine’s Day, yes some days can be rough, some days you want to devour ice cream while you cry to The Notebook, but other days you should be building blanket forts, cuddling, eating an overload of chocolate, and loving the guy that calls you beautiful even on your bad days. Continue reading